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Bauberot Jean
Bauberot Jean. Huard (Raymond) Torreilles (Claire) éd Du protestantisme au socialisme: un quarante-huitard occitan. In: Archives de sciences sociales des religions. N. 56/2, 1983. pp. 268-269.

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Langlois Claude
Langlois Claude. Seguret (Pierre) La Charrue ailée. Missionnaires occitans au XIXe siècle. In: Archives de sciences sociales des religions. N. 55/2, 1983. p. 276.

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Séguy Jean
Séguy Jean. Groupe Audois de Recherche et d'Animation Ethnographique Un demi-siècle d'ethnologie occitane. Autour de la revue "Folklore". In: Archives de sciences sociales des religions. N. 55/2, 1983. p. 236.

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Löwy Michael
Löwy Michael. Juifs et source juive en Occitanie. In: Archives de sciences sociales des religions. N. 66/2, 1988. p. 289.

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Jean Boutier
Jacqueries in 'croquant' country. The peasant revolts in Aquitaine, december 1789-march 1790 A series of peasant revolts broke out in Aquitaine -the region of peasant uprisings par excellence- in the winter of 1789-1790. But these revolts were vastly different from those of earlier centuries. Collective violence within the rural community was directed against the lord and against rentiers, whatever the source of their rents. To avoid minimizing the complexity of the scenario of the revolt, it needs to be studied in such a way as to shed light on the interaction, within the dynamic of violence, between not only social and economic but also political and cultural factors : the crisis in the State apparatus, rural sociability, the relationship between written and oral culture in the Occitan-speaking regions, etc. The specific character of the northern Occitan countryside, where the rent strategies of landowners, ignorant of the agricultural capitalism of the more developed areas of France, clashed with the precariousness of a society of smallholders and tenant farmers, demands that we take a fresh look at the heterogeneity of the peasant movement in the French Revolution seen in the context of uneven development within the nation as a whole.

Boutier Jean. Jacqueries en pays croquant. Les révoltes paysannes en Aquitaine (décembre 1789-mars 1790). In: Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales. 34e année, N. 4, 1979. pp. 760-786.

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Gérard Cholvy
A number of books have now appeared on the recent history of the region of Southern France called Occitanie (roughly the area covered by the Southern portion of the ancient province of Languedoc). For the most part they are not the work of professional historians. This development is not without its drawbacks, since antiquarian methods can hardly give rise to the progressive history that certain of these authors dream of creating. Little may be expected from a history which appeals to the emotions and delights in abusive simplifications and preconceived schemas. It is therefore necessary to establish the guidelines of a new history, one which will take into account demographic phenomena and the economy, especially the great problem of the absence of industrialization in the region and its causes. One must, for example, consider the obstacle constituted by the lack of manpower, the working force having been attracted to the vineyard, where a Malthusian regime was the outstanding demographic factor ever since the rise of the wine trade. While industry has been slighted, viticulture, in contrast, has enjoyed unanimous popularity. The major economic fact, clouded over by some authors, is the astonishing prosperity of vine growing in the area of the plains following the opening of a national market. It left the memory of golden age to which many generations have hoped to return. In the domain of mentalités, there are also a large number of false but tenacious ideas in circulation. For example, with regard to the location and earliest date of the region's leftist political orientation, and to the subject of "de-Christianization". In the plains, the ideal that was cherished by almost everyone was that of individual advance, linked, on the cultural level, to mastery of the French language. Now, however, the abstract man of the Enlightenment and the liberal economy in which he was supposed to operate are both being challenged here.

Cholvy Gérard. Histoires contemporaines en pays d'Oc. In: Annales. Économies, Sociétés, Civilisations. 33e année, N. 4, 1978. pp. 863-879.

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Brémond Claude
Brémond Claude. Daniel Fabre et Jacques Lacroix, La Tradition orale du conte occitan. Les Pyrénées audoises. In: Annales. Économies, Sociétés, Civilisations. 32e année, N. 3, 1977. pp. 555-556.

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Chaussinand-Nogaret Guy
sus 36